Planning for the Future
How can we help you plan for the future?
Some questions to consider:
Do you have a corporate vision and value statement?
Has it been communicated to your staff?
Are your performance measurements tied to your vision and values?
What changes are taking place in your sector that may have consequences for your employees?
What is your strategy for implementation? How are your individual teams getting along interdepartmentally?
How is staff morale?
What is your employee turnover rate now compared with five years ago?
How do your staff remain actively engaged?
How do you support that?
What is your corporate communication strategy?
These questions offer a way of thinking about your business and about what opportunities you may be missing to pull everything together into a complete package.
You might ask yourself how having a corporate value statement can be tied to performance. If you can express your values as a company, and communicate those values to your employees, every action, or reaction, will be filtered through your corporate values. You can then decide if an opportunity or challenge is something you will undertake.
Facilitating Excellence provides a highly engaging process to help you get where you need to be. Each stakeholder has a voice and an opinion that is respected. Behavioural ground rules are established early in the process so that the group decides how conflict and dissention will be handled, how decisions will be made, how long we will spend on discussion, and other important items.
If decisions are to be made, you select what will decide the outcome (consensus, majority vote, combination of options) and Facilitating Excellence will guide the process to completion.