

What if I have a need not met by your list of courses?

Custom Learning Solutions
Facilitating Excellence offers complete custom learning solutions. We begin by helping you decide what option will work best for the issue that you are having; you might be surprised to learn that your issue doesn’t require training at all. If it does require training, we can build a package that perfectly meets your needs, whether face to face or web-based or a combination of both. We can train your people to do the training, or we can provide an experienced trainer to do that for you.
Targeted Skill Development

One important issue today is the need for targeted skill development. For example, you may be a very good communicator in MOST areas who needs practice in empathy, giving objective feedback, or using assertive language. You don’t need a complete communications course. We can do this for you. Yes, you do need the background on why it is important and when and how to use it. We provide that PLUS real time practice with productive and constructive guidance to help you gain the confidence you need!

Background Knowledge and Experience
We have business experience in administration, advertising, banking/finance, customer service, human resources, manufacturing, non-profit, retail, transportation, telephony, and sales. This allows us to create accurate and timely examples and scenarios that build credibility into our training solutions. Regardless of your business, we are confident we can build an excellent learning solution to meet all of your growth and performance needs.