DISC Assessments

As a Value Added Associate with TTISuccess Insights, Facilitating Excellence provides assessments that measure a person’s suitability for a particular job.

We use a multiple science approach to measure behaviours, driving forces, acumen, skills, and emotional intelligence.

This results in our being able to help you HIRE, DEVELOP, and RETAIN ‘exceptional’ people.

Get To know

What can assessments do for you?

Save money!
Avoid the high cost of poor hiring decisions.

Our assessments help you select individuals who will not only excel in their positions, they will also be happy doing the work. The small cost of a Talent Insight Assessment is more than justified when you consider how much longer a happy, well placed employee remains in the job. This assessment measures two things: an individual’s behaviours in a workplace setting, and what motivates them on the job and otherwise. While we don’t recommend assessments as the sole criteria for hiring, having this information can help you select the most suitable candidate for the job.

In the hiring process, the assessment is invaluable.

Save time!
Improve communication; improve performance.

If your work teams are underperforming due to communication breakdowns, our assessments highlight the communication style for each team member. Next our facilitator conducts individual and group debrief sessions to help each member of the team appreciate the style of the others and begin to forge relationships that move the company forward. The better the communication between employees, customers, and management, the quicker and more efficiently innovations are acted upon, saving time, egos, and disappointment.


Our assessments take between 20 and 40 minutes to complete and can be done from the individual’s desk. The results are instantaneous. Our certified analyst is able to pinpoint areas of concern and these can be addressed quickly and effectively. The profiles can also be used to highlight positive attributes and motivation that might not otherwise be evident. 

Peace of mind!
The science used in our assessments is backed by 30 years of outstanding, accurate results with thousands of satisfied top companies.

What assessments can we do?

The original assessment we offer is the Talent Insights profiles. TTI Talent Insights examines the behaviours individuals bring to the job and the forces that drive them. In addition, this report blends behaviours and driving forces together in an integrated section that will help blend the “how” and the “why” of an individual’s actions. These reports consist of two sciences: behaviours and driving forces.

TTI TriMetrix® EQ includes both profiles from Talent Insights, PLUS an understanding of an individual’s own emotional intelligence. This report blends all three sciences together in an integrated section that will illustrate the impact emotional intelligence has on core behavioral styles, as well as the top two motivators.

Also available: Personal Skills Assessment based on the 25 most used business skills AND an Acumen Assessment which measures a person’s world view.

If the job could talk

One of the newest additions in the assessment field is Job Benchmarking. A skilled facilitator will work with your subject matter experts ( 3-7 ) to develop a list of Key Accountabilities for a particular job. Immediately upon completion of this exercise, each of the subject matter experts is given specific instructions and completes an assessment. These various results are tabulated and a highly reliable profile of a job is established. Now, as you are moving people around, or making new hires, you have a profile with which to compare your candidates.